Some of the books are no longer in print. Some may be available on loan at the Millicent Library, Fairhaven, MA or are stored in the library archives. Others are in private collections.
“Every tradition should be tested by comparison with contemporary records. If the two are not in conflict, the oral tradition may be accepted. But if there is discord, the tradition must yield.”
Antonucci, Thomas and Antonucci, Michael, Lizzie Borden: Did She?. . . or. . . Didn’t She?, Historical Briefs, Inc., Verplanck, NY, 1992.
A Two Hundred Year History of the First Congregational Church of Fairhaven, 1794-1994, Jean Campbell, committee chair, First Congregational Church, Fairhaven, MA, 1994
Bates, Joseph, The Autobiography of Elder Joseph Bates, Steam Press, Battle Creek, MI, 1868, facsimile edition by Southern Publishing Association, Nashville, TN, 1970
Benac, Albert F., ed., Eldred in Print & Recollections of a Fairhaven Artist, self published, Fairhaven, MA, 2007
Bernard, Donald R., Tower of Strength, A History of Fort Phoenix, printed by Reynolds-DeWalt Printing, New Bedford, MA, 1975
Bernard, Donald R., The Life and Times of John Manjiro, McGraw Hill, NY, 1992
Birely, Robert, ed., The Family of Ebenezer Peirce and Charity Hinds of Freetown, Massachusetts, self published, Fall River, MA, 2002
Blasdale, Mary Jean, Artists of New Bedford, A Biographical Dictionary, Old Dartmouth Historical Society, New Bedford, MA, 1990
Bradford, William, Of Plymouth Plantation, edited with notes by Samuel Eliot Morison, Knopf, NY, 1952
Brault, Alyson & Medeiros, Manuel, St. Mary’s Church, Fairhaven, MA, 1983
Burns, Cherie, Searching for Beauty: The Life of
Millicent Rogers, St. Martins Press, NY, 2011
Burt, Merlin D., Adventist Pioneer Places: New York & New England, Review & Herald Publishing Association, Hagerstown, MD, 2011
By-Laws, George H. Taber Lodge, A.F.& A.M.Cabral, Stephen L., Tradition and Transformation: Portuguese
Feasting in New Bedford, AMS Press, New York, NY, 1989
Cushing, Muriel Curtis, ed., Philip Delano of the ‘Fortune’ 1621 and His Descendants for Four Generations, General Society of Mayflower Descendants, Plymouth, MA 2002.
Dedication of the Memorial Monument to Henry Huttleston Rogers
Dexter, Franklin B., Two Lectures on the History of Fairhaven, Massachusetts, C.D. Waldron estate, printers, Fairhaven, MA, 1919
Dias, Earl J., Henry Huttleston Rogers: Portrait of a “Capitalist,” self published, Fairhaven, MA, 1974
Dias, Earl J., Mark Twain and Henry Huttleston Rogers: An Odd Couple, Millicent Library, Fairhaven, 1984
Dias, Earl J., ed., Mark Twain’s Letters to the Rogers Family, with notes and introduction by the editor, self published, Fairhaven, MA, 1970
Early, Richard, ed., Fairhaven Sesquicentennial Program, 1962.
Ellis, Leonard Bolles, History of New Bedford and Its Vicinity, 1602 - 1892, D. Mason & Co., Syracuse, NY, 1892
Evans, Lenore, et. al., A Patchwork History of Tiverton, Rhode Island, Tiverton Historical Society, Tiverton, RI, 1976
Fairhaven High School students, About Our High School, second revision, third printing, Fairhaven, MA, 1979
Federal Writers Project, Fairhaven, Massachusetts, Charles E. White and Roger Thomas, eds., American Guide Series, WPA, 1939
Gillingham, James L., et al., eds., A Brief History of the Town of Fairhaven, Fairhaven, MA, 1903
Glennon, Beverly, Dartmouth, The Early History of a Massachusetts Coastal Town, 2001
Gurney, Judith Jenney, ed., The Jenney Book, John Jenney of Plymouth and his Descendants, Gateway Press, Inc., Baltimore, MD, 1988
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Harris, Charles A., Old-Time Fairhaven, (Vol. 3) Reynolds Printing, New Bedford, MA 1954
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Hemingway, Natalie S., East Fairhaven (Naskatucket) Massachusetts History, Book 1, self published, Fairhaven, MA, 2010
Hemingway, Natalie S., East Fairhaven (Naskatucket) Massachusetts History, Book 2, self published, Fairhaven, MA, 2011
Hemingway, Natalie S., East Fairhaven (Naskatucket) Massachusetts History, Book 3, self published, Fairhaven, MA, 2012
Hemingway, Natalie Sylvia, North Fairhaven, Massachusetts, Historical Tour, North Fairhaven Improvement Association, Fairhaven, MA 2006
Hickok, Ralph, Fairhaven A Lens on History, Fairhaven Heritage Center, Fairhaven, MA, 2009
Hubbard, Elbert, Little Journeys to the Homes of Great Business Men, H.H. Rogers, (Vol. 25, No. 5., November, 1909), Roycrofters, East Aurora, NY, 1909
Howland, Franklyn, History of the Town of Acushnet, 1907, reprinted by Higginson Book Co., Salem, MA
Judd, Lewis S. Jr., Fairhaven, a Descriptive and Historical Sketch, Franklin Engraving, Boston, MA, 1896
Knipe, Mabel H., Czar of Fairhaven, Millicent Library, Fairhaven, MA 1980
Knipe, Mabel H., Century of Concern, Millicent Library, Fairhaven, MA 1983
Knipe, Mabel H., House of Transition, Clement E. Daley Advertising, New Bedford, MA, 1977
Knipe, Mabel H., Thee Will Fill It Up, Clement E. Daley Advertising, New Bedford, MA, 1979
Knipe, Mabel H., The First Gift, Clement E. Daley Advertising, New Bedford, MA, 1977
Knipe, Mabel H., The Girl in the Window, Clement E. Daley Advertising, New Bedford, MA, 1983
Knipe, Mabel H., The Story of a Town House, Clement E. Daley Advertising, New Bedford, MA, 1977
Knipe, Mabel H., Under a Bushel, Clement E. Daley Advertising, New Bedford, MA, 1983
Lash, Joseph P., Eleanor and Franklin, W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., NY, 1971
Leary, Lewis, ed., Mark Twain’s Correspondence with Henry Huttleston Rogers 1893-1909, University of California Press, Berkeley, CA, 1969
Lopes, Myra A., But Then There Was More, self published, Fairhaven, MA 1993*
Lopes, Myra A., Captain Joshua Slocum, A Centennial Tribute, self published, Fairhaven, MA, 1994
Lopes, Myra A., Captain Slocum’s Life Before and After the Spray, self published, Fairhaven, MA, 1997*
Lopes, Myra A., Castle On the Hill, self published, Fairhaven, MA 1998
Lopes, Myra A., Look Around You, self published, Fairhaven, MA 1990*
Lopes, Myra A., Looking Back, self published, Fairhaven, MA 1991*
Lopes, Myra A., Pride in Our Past, self published, Fairhaven, MA, 2007*
Lopes, Myra A., Seeing It All, self published, Fairhaven, MA 1992*
Lopes, Myra A., The Fairhaven Improvement Association Updated History to 2005, Harbor View Publishing Company, Fairhaven, MA 2005
Luey, Beth, House Stories: The Meanings of Home in a New England Town, University of Massachusetts Press, Amherst, MA, 2017
Mosgrove, Mildred C., The Memorial Church, Fairhaven, MA, 1920
Nagakuni, Junya & Kitadai, Junji, translators, Drifting Toward the Southeast, The story of Five Japanese Castaways Told in 1852 by John Manjiro, Spinner Publications, Inc., New Bedford, MA, 2003
New Bedford & Old Dartmouth, A Portrait of a Region’s Past, Old Dartmouth Historical Society, New Bedford, MA, 1975
Our County and its People, a Descriptive and Biographical Record of Bristol County, Massachusetts, The Boston History Co., Boston, MA, 1899
Parr, Ed, The Last American Whale-Oil Company: A History of Nye Lubricants, Inc., 1884-1994, Nye Lubricants, Inc., Fairhaven, MA, 1996
Pease, Zeph. W., et al., eds., New Bedford Massachusetts, Its History, Industries, Institutions, and Attractions, Board of Trade, Mercury Publishing Co., New Bedford, MA, 1889
Roosevelt, Sara Delano, with Leighton, Isabel and Forbush, Gabrielle, My Boy Franklin, Ray Long & Richard R. Smith, Inc., NY, 1933
Slocum, Victor, Capt. Joshua Slocum, The Adventures of America’s Best Known Sailor, Sheridan House Inc., Dobbs Ferry, NY, 1950
St. Joseph’s Church, 1905-1930, Fairhaven, MA, 1930
Steeholm, Clara and Hardy, The House at Hyde Park, The Viking Press, NY, 1950
Tarbell, Ida M., All in the Day’s Work, G.K.Hall & Co., Boston, MA, 1985
The Millicent Library, Annual Report, 1968
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Thomas, Joseph D. & Avila, Jay, eds., A Picture Postcard History of Fairhaven, Spinner Publications, Inc., New Bedford, MA, 2003
Travers, Milton A.. One of the Keys, 1676 – 1776 – 1976:
The Wampanoag Indian contribution, Dartmouth Massachusetts Bicentennial
Commission, Dartmouth, MA, 1975
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Tripp, Thomas A., The Story of Fairhaven, Fairhaven, MA, compiled 1929Tucker, Donald F., Demanche, Robert & Tucker, Caroline B., A Coastal Schooner Life on Southern New England Waters, Coral Press, Fairhaven, MA, 1999
Wakefield, Robert S. and Van Wood, Ralph, Jr., eds., Mayflower Families in Progress: Francis Cooke of the Mayflower and His Descendants For Four Generations, Fifth Edition, General Society of Mayflower Descendants, Plymouth, MA 2000
Ward, Geoffrey C., Before the Trumpet, Young Franklin Roosevelt 1882-1905, Harper & Rowe, NY, 1985
DeLano, George B., ed., Bonnes Nouvelles, the newsletter of the Delano Kindred, Inc., P.O. Box 2635, Duxbury, MA 02331
Benac, Albert F. and Demanche, Robert, William Bradford, Artist at the Water’s Edge, Fairhaven, MA, ca. 1996
The Presentation of a Samurai Sword, The Millicent Library, Fairhaven, MA, 1918
The Tabitha Inn, Fairhaven, MA, 1908
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Author unknown, “Cooke Hill," undated newspaper clipping from unknown newspaper
Author unknown, “Early History of Burial Hill,” Fairhaven Star, August 11, 1888 (this recounts recollections of Ruth M. Boomer.)
Author unknown, “Oxford Burial Hill," undated newspaper clipping from unknown newspaper
Author unknown, “Skeletons Unearthed," Fairhaven Star, November 15, 1902
Author unknown, “Identity Probably Solved," Fairhaven Star, December 27, 1902
Bernard, Donald R., Unpublished scripts for tours of Fairhaven and New Bedford, Spring & Summer, 1992, furnished to the Office of Tourism by Anne Bernard
Birely, Robert, Unpublished research notes relating to Joshua Slocum, the family of Ebenezer Pierce and the Oxford neighborhood
Braga, David, “Hell Hound Rogers or The Great Town Benefactor: Who Was Henry Huttleston Rogers,” Fairhaven, MA, 2016Butow, R.J.C., “A Notable Passage to China, Myth and Memory in FDR’s Family History,” Prologue, National Archives and Records Administration, Vol. 31, No. 3, Fall 1999
Cabral, Stephen L., PhD., “Feast of Our Lady of Angels,” publishing history unknown, ca. 2005
Cromwell, Charles E. “Nimrod Activity in Buzzards Bay, War of 1812,” Fairhaven, MA, 2000Darden, Genevieve M., “Slocum Was No Sailor,” Yankee, June, 1961
Darden, Genevieve M., “The Annual New England Tour of the 7th Day Adventists,” Yankee, July, 1960
Dawson, Jeffrey R., “The Bells of Fairhaven,” three parts in The Beacon, Fairhaven Historical Commission, 1975, 1976
Gifford, Preston W., Jr., "The Delano Connection” columns, VIP FOCUS, newsletter of the Roosevelt-Vanderbilt National Historical Sites with support from the Hyde Park Historical Association, Hyde Park, NY. beginning Dec., 1993
Gillingham, James L., “Whaleships, Shipbuilding and Their Owners in Fairhaven” manuscript of talk, 1922, collection of Old Dartmouth Historical Society, New Bedford, MA
Hathaway, Caroline W., "Arthur Hathaway and His Immediate Descendants," Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches #31, New Bedford, MA, 1910
Hathaway, Russell Jr., “Cooke's Body Badly Wanted," newspaper clipping, The Constitution, Atlanta, GA, November 30, 1902**
Kaneko, Hisahazu, “The Man Who Discovered America,” American Heritage Publishing Co., New York, NY, December, 1956
Kemp, Z. Willis, Diary, 1887-1888, Millicent Library Collection
McNaughten, Cynthia, Unpublished research notes
Parker, Grace M., "A Floating Home, Builder of La Liberdade at Work on the Spray," Republican Standard, New Bedford, MA, November 28, 1891Potter, Mabel L. “History of Sconticut Neck,” unpublished manuscript, written for the Roundabout Club, 1945
Smith, Donald S. Sconticut Neck and Its Indian Past, unpublished manuscript, copyright 1992
Tripp, George H., "The Town of Fairhaven in Four Wars," Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches #6, New Bedford, MA, 1904
Wood, Edmund, "William Bradford," Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches #26, New Bedford, MA, 1909
Worth, Henry B., “Early Land Owners of Fairhaven Village," Morning Mercury, New Bedford, MA, Aug. 16 - Sept. 13, 1913
Worth, Henry B., “Oxford Village," Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches #43, New Bedford, MA, 1915
Worth, Henry B., “Popes," unpublished manuscript, collection of Old Dartmouth Historical Society, New Bedford, MA, undated
Worth, Henry B., “Report of the Historical Research Section," Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches #32, New Bedford, MA, 1911
Worth, Henry B., “Ten Ancient Homes," Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches #3, New Bedford, MA, 1903
Worth, Henry B., “The First Settlers of Dartmouth and Where They Located," Old Dartmouth Historical Sketches #39, New Bedford, MA
Church, Nathan; Terry, Phineas; Bradford, Marlbro; "An Inventory of the Real and Personal Estate of Ruby Allen Widow late of Fairhaven in the County of Bristol deceased," Recorded February 2, 1836
Town of Fairhaven Annual Reports, Reports of the School Committee, Reports of the Millicent Library, at Office of Town Clerk and/or Millicent Library Archives.
Wood, William, “Will,” witnessed by Lewis Taber, Ephriam Davis, Bartho Taber, May 14, 1773OXFORD, drawn in 1791, copied in 1839, Millicent Library collection
PLAN OF FAIRHAVEN, 1831, Ammittai B. Hammond,
WEST ISLAND AND VICINITY, BUZZARD'S BAY, MASS. : surveyed in 1845 ; copied from the original in archives of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey Office, for Mr. Horace S. Crowell, 27 State St. Boston, Mass.
MAP OF THE CITY OF NEW BEDFORD AND THE VILLAGE OF FAIR HAVEN: from Actual Survey by H.F. Walling, 1850, C. & A. Taber Publishers, New Bedford,
BRISTOL COUNTY, 1852, C. & A. Taber Publishers, New Bedford, [inset map of New Bedford and Fairhaven dated 1851]
FAIRHAVEN, 1855, Ferd. Mayer & Co., NY,
FAIRHAVEN, 1871, Atlas of Bristol County, F. W. Beers & Co. and
FAIRHAVEN, 1895, Atlas of Bristol County, Everts & Richards
Worth, Henry B., hand drawn Fairhaven maps showing early property lines and historical notations, ca. 1890-1915, collection of New Bedford Whaling Museum
“Tourist Guide and Map: Fairhaven Massachusetts,” drawn by Clifton Hacker, published by Fairhaven Improvement Association, 1952, 1956, 1958
“A Shopper’s Guide: Map of Fairhaven, Massachusetts," Community Advertising Co., Brookline, MA, mid-late 1950s
Aquinnah Cultural Center
Caleb Johnson’s
Congregation of the Sacred Hearts United States Province
Delano Kindred, Inc.
John Cooke: Fairhaven’s Pilgrim website
Lizzie Borden Virtual Museum and Library
Manhattan home of Henry Randel, the father of H.H. Rogers’ second wife
Manjiro-Whitfield Friendship Society
Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe, Mashpee Wampanoag Tribe
Memorial Plaques and Monuments pages, compiled by Jim Cochran
Seventh-day Adventist Church
Those Other Franco-Americans: New Bedford, Part I, by Dr. Patrick Lacroix
Those Other Franco-Americans: New Bedford, Part II, by Dr. Patrick Lacroix,
When Americans Feared an Invasion From Their Northern Border, by David Vermette,
**This sensationalistic 1902 newspaper article has little basis fact, containing both historical errors and fabrication.